
Open google chrome command line
Open google chrome command line

(Note that, for security purposes, the default is to prevent Chrome from loading local files.)

  • –allow-file-access-from-files: Allow local file loading, so that Google Chrome is not inhibited from performing this action on the target machines.
  • This flag is required in order to support cross-domain testing.
  • –disable-web-security: Turn off web security.
  • Specifically, this flag prevents first run in subsequent runs by dropping the First Run beacon, which may otherwise occasionally cause your automation to fail.
  • –no-first-run: Skip First Run tasks, whether or not it is actually the first run.
  • This flag is compulsory and the most important hence, ensure that port 9222 is always available. This mode supports the functioning of the Interface Viewer and Identify tool to capture web controls, and allows for automated tests to run successfully on Google Chrome.

    open google chrome command line

  • –remote-debugging-port=9222: Enable remote debugging mode over HTTP on the specified port (9222).
  • Note:These flags have the following functions: The resultant command line string should look something like the following: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -remote-debugging-port=9222 -no-first-run -disable-web-security -allow-file-access-from-file -enable-views-textfield -force-renderer-accessibility Append a white space to the existing command, followed by the following flags: –remote-debugging-port=9222 –no-first-run –disable-web-security –allow-file-access-from-file –enable-views-textfield –force-renderer-accessibility. On the Shortcut tab in the Google Chrome Properties window, edit the contents of the Target text box. Right-click the Google Chrome desktop icon, and select Properties. If Chrome is open, close it, and terminate all running Chrome-related background processes, if any. To ensure that automated web application testing in Google Chrome runs properly with TestArchitect, you first need to set some necessary command line switches. This feature or content is deprecated Configuring Google Chrome
  • Diagnosing and resolving automation errors.
  • Testing headless Chrome and APIs with Docker.
  • Preparing Google Chrome for web testing.
  • open google chrome command line

    Preparing Mozilla Firefox for web testing.Preparing Internet Explorer for web testing.

    open google chrome command line

    Preparing Microsoft Edge for web testing.

    open google chrome command line

    Automated web testing with non-WebDriver.

    Open google chrome command line